SAN DIEGOApril 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Leading commercial organizations and patient advocacy groups in the field of cancer genetics today announced the founding of the Inter-Organization Cancer Genetics Clinical Evidence Coalition (INTERACT), a coalition whose mission is to increase evidence-based access to genetic testing for people with or at risk of hereditary cancers.   

Founding laboratory members include organizer Ambry Genetics, a subsidiary of REALM IDx, Illumina, Myriad Genetics, and Quest Diagnostics. Volpara Health has also recently joined the coalition. Founding patient advocacy organization members include AliveAndKickn and FORCE. The coalition seeks to provide a collective voice in support of the progression of medical professional and industry guidelines for genetic testing for inherited mutations that increase cancer risk.

With growing insight into the role of genetic testing in cancer risk management and treatment, the population of individuals who benefit from knowing their genetic mutation status continues to increase. As leaders in the genetic testing and hereditary cancer field, the founding members believe it is their responsibility to help drive awareness and inform changes that will equalize access for those whose outcomes could benefit most from testing.

One of the primary objectives of INTERACT is to ensure policy and guidelines keep pace with the growing body of evidence surrounding inherited cancer risk.

Hereditary cancer genetic testing has been shown to improve outcomes by identifying those most at risk and informing management strategies.  For instance, patients who test positive for a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation have up to 87% lifetime risk for breast cancer, and up to 40% lifetime risk for ovarian cancer.1,2 In addition, there are numerous other genes that increase risk for various forms of cancer. Armed with this information, patients and physicians can improve management through increased surveillance, chemoprevention, targeted therapeutics or risk-reducing surgical measures. As an example, studies have shown that prophylactic mastectomy in BRCA1/2 mutation carriers results in up to a 97% reduction in the risk for contralateral breast cancer, while salpingo-oophorectomy reduced ovarian cancer incidence by 69-100%.1,2 

Despite the benefits of a patient and their provider knowing mutation status, disparities in access and uptake of cancer genetics services are well documented.INTERACT intends to improve access to genetic testing, with the goal of reaching vulnerable populations who may not currently be aware of their risk or their need for increased screening or other interventions.

"With Lynch syndrome, one of the most common hereditary cancer syndromes, patients have up to 80% lifetime risk for colorectal cancer4, but an estimated 95% of at-risk individuals have not been identified5," said Robin Dubin, Executive Director of AliveAndKickn. "To really improve survival rates with informed screening strategies, we need to help drive education and policies that support genetic testing for all those at risk."

Among the challenges to broadening access to genetic testing for hereditary cancer risk is a time lag in updating guidelines and medical policies after the publication of new medical literature. INTERACT will work to bring these differences to the attention of guideline committees and medical professional societies in an effort to bridge the gaps and reduce disparities in access to appropriate testing nationwide.

The mission of INTERACT is to bring together specialized genetic testing laboratories and patient advocacy groups to support the progression and evolution of medical policy and industry guidelines for cancer genetic testing. Our members are recognized institutions in the field of cancer genetics. Current commercial members include Ambry Genetics, a subsidiary of REALM IDx, Illumina, Myriad Genetics, Quest Diagnostics, and Volpara Health. Advocacy members include AliveAndKickn and FORCE: Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered. We seek to develop the evidence base and rationale to inform changes in cancer-related genetic testing policies to expand patient access to evidence-based testing.

For more information, visit:


  1. elson HD, et al Ann Intern Med 2014
  2. Bayraktar S and Arun B. The Breast. 2017
  3. Allford A, et al Eur J Hum Genet 2014
  5. Lowry, Moonshot Blue Ribbon Panel 2016
